О Нас
Компания ООО «СИСТЕМА» является интегратором систем безопасности и выполняет проектно-изыскательные работы‚ поставку. монтаж, пуско-паладочные работы. техническое обслуживание и сопровождение в эксплуатации досмотрового оборудования в рамках реализации проектов антитеррорисгической защищенности и безопасности объектов.
We use the best aspects of a military-style system to create an environment focused on academic achievement and leadership development. We never simply aim to “cast soldiers” but rather we always strive to build “conscious and decent citizens” who firmly believe in and put to practice every day the values of integrity, honor, duty!
В настоящий момент компания ООО «СИСТЕМА» работает по включению в проект систем безопасности для транспортных и пешеходных КПП, а также оснащению вентиляционных шахт радиационным контролем многофункционального комплекса в Санкт- Петербурге Лахта Центр.

Why Choosing a Military Boarding School?
We are one of the leading military boarding schools for boys. Be sure, that the considerably strict and at the same time education and college preparation centric flow at the ArmyAcademy.
Thousands of cadet alumni…
In case you are a parent and considering to enroll your kid into our Military Academy, this video is a must-watch for you!
It will explain both the extensive (120 years long) history of our school!
Request a Consultation
Before starting an admission process, get in touch with our Academy’s instructors to get a prior consultation for all matters of it! The ArmyAcademy is proud to be recognized as the ultimately best boarding military schools for boys in grades 7-12 and postgraduate.
Situated in Fork Union, Virginia, right in the heart of central Virginia, we also put a huge emphasis on being just the perfect college preparatory facility too!
Request a Consultation
Before starting an admission process, get in touch with our Academy’s instructors to get a prior consultation for all matters of it! The ArmyAcademy is proud to be recognized as the ultimately best boarding military schools for boys in grades 7-12 and postgraduate.
Situated in Fork Union, Virginia, right in the heart of central Virginia, we also put a huge emphasis on being just the perfect college preparatory facility too!
On par with extensive military training and drills, integrity, discipline and boosted morale, we also offer top-grade academics and athletics within a structure built around fairness.